
NCMRWF(National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting from India)

1 times per day, from 00:00 UTC
12:00 UTC = 20:00 北京时间
0.125° x 0.125° (India, South Asia)
RH 3000-6000:
这幅图显示地面以上3000到6000米之间大气层的平均相对湿度。 它能反映出中、高层云在这两个高度之间形成。 在暖脊边缘锋区的反气旋一侧经常会形成这类中、高层云。尤其是它能显示 急流的走向。

This modeling system is an up-graded version of NCEP GFS (as per 28 July 2010). A general description of the modeling system can be found in the following link:
An brief overview of GFS is given below.
Dynamics: Spectral, Hybrid sigma-p, Reduced Gaussian grids
Time integration: Leapfrog/Semi-implicit
Time filter: Asselin
Horizontal diffusion: 8th
order wavenumber dependent
Orography: Mean orography
Surface fluxes: Monin-obhukov Similarity
Turbulent fluxes: Non-local closure
SW Radiation; RRTM
LW Radiation: RRTM
Deep Convection: SAS
Shallow convection: Mass-flux based
Grid-scale condensation: Zhao Microphysics
Land Surface Processes: NOAH LSM
Cloud generation: Xu and Randal
Rainfall evaporation: Kessler
Air-sea interaction: Roughness length by Charnock
Gravity Wave Drag and mountain blocking: Based on Alpert
Sea-Ice model: Based on Winton
Numerical weather prediction uses current weather conditions as input into mathematical models of the atmosphere to predict the weather. Although the first efforts to accomplish this were done in the 1920s, it wasn't until the advent of the computer and computer simulation that it was feasible to do in real-time. Manipulating the huge datasets and performing the complex calculations necessary to do this on a resolution fine enough to make the results useful requires the use of some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. A number of forecast models, both global and regional in scale, are run to help create forecasts for nations worldwide. Use of model ensemble forecasts helps to define the forecast uncertainty and extend weather forecasting farther into the future than would otherwise be possible.

Wikipedia, Numerical weather prediction, http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/數值天氣預報(as of Feb. 9, 2010, 20:50 UTC).